
  • May, 2024 – “Mark SaFranko is a discovery: the fact that he found writing at all, as Michael Grimm explains in his afterword, was due to Henry Miller and Georges Simenon’s hard noir novels, which were almost forgotten alongside the Maigret crime novels. From Miller he adopted the cold view of realism, from Simenon the idea that the characters in a paranoid, dysfunctional world can act just as paranoid and antisocial — in Amerigone he consistently brings both into the twenty-first century. —Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
  • “With Amerigone, Mark SaFranko has achieved a rarity: a gripping, philosophical thriller that deals with existential questions. And it’s thought-provoking.” — Book Pictures
  • “Great book, beautiful evil and the reader is in the passenger’s seat. Perfect.” —
  • “A business meeting turns into a nightmare of blood and violence for manager Parker Saturn. Mark SaFranko’s thriller is a page-turner with a surprising amount of depth.” — Book Journal
  • “Parker Saturn, a New York Trusonics employee, is supposed to meet with his Californian counterpart Ivan Rubleski for an exchange. Rubleski suggested a hotel room as a meeting point, where Parker awaits him. When Rubleski arrives, he behaves strangely. Instead of a professional meeting, Parker goes on a horror trip with a psychopath who murders completely at random and simply drags Parker into his crimes as a hostage. Only in Hollywood does Parker’s journey to hell seemingly end in this captivating novel.” — Reading
  • “With his German debut that blurs the boundaries between the ego, he picks up where Willeford and Westlake left off forty years ago.” — Rolling Stone Germany
  • “SaFranko has devilishly and cleverly constructed the story, which is essentially dark but also has a slightly satirical component. And it’s packed with all sorts of modern wisdom, like: “Being crazy used to be something special. Today everyone is crazy.” —
  • “That’s where Amerigone’s great strengths lie: not in the hard moments, but in the quiet nuances. In the philosophical and existential dialogues between the two main characters. In the quiet reflections of American society. Little by little, the American dream is being laid bare and exposed for what it is. Simply a dream, without any hope of reality. Amerigone is evil, deep, fast-paced and incredibly entertaining.” —
  • “Mark SaFranko’s Amerigone…captures the essence of a zombie party fueled by money and violence…Mark SaFranko wears John Carpenter’s sunglasses and sees the dirt. “But everything is possible here, isn’t it?” — In Munich
  • “Please buy more crime novels from small publishers – here you can not only feel the lifeblood and passion of the publisher, but they are also always exceptional and unique crime novels – just like Amerigone.” — The Dark Skins
  • February, 2024 – Mark SaFranko is the most prolific artist you have never heard off. He has published 22 books, countless short stories, poetry, and plays. In his spare time, he is a musician with several CDs to his credit as well as being an accomplished painter.
  • September, 2023 – AMERIGONE is the September, 2023 bestseller at the Hammet Bookshop in Berlin, Germany.
  • July 2022 – Loser doesn’t have to be depressing, far from it. American literature is full of wonderful, and sometimes funny, losers, like here with Mark Safranko’s anti-hero. And what about Stéphane Chabert, a French-style loser, ready to do anything to get out of his rotten condition?
  • July 2022 – Loser ne rime pas forcément avec déprime, loin de là. La littérature américaine regorge de losers magnifiques, et parfois drôles, comme ici avec l’anti-héros de Mark Safranko. Et que dire de Stéphane Chabert, un loser à la française, prêt à tout pour sortir de sa condition un peu pourrie ?
  • June 15th – Another review of “Nowhere near Hollywood” in the blog Black Roses For Me : “The latest volume in the adventures of Max Zajack, Anything But Hollywood picks up the life of Safranko’s alter ego where he left off, which is to say, almost nowhere. The egocentric misanthrope hasn’t changed much, and we are grateful to his creator for this, as diving back into his troubles is a pure joy.”
  • June 15th – Une nouvelle critique de “Tout sauf Hollywood” dans le blog Black Roses For Me : “Dernier volume des aventures de Max Zajack, Nulle part près d’Hollywood reprend la vie de l’alter ego de Safranko là où il s’est arrêté, c’est-à-dire presque nulle part. Le misanthrope égocentrique n’a pas beaucoup changé, et on en est reconnaissant à son créateur, car replonger dans ses déboires est un pur bonheur.”
  • June 11th 2022 – Superbe article de Jacques LINDECKER dans “L’Alsace” – Max Zajack, le double de fiction de Mark SaFranko, voudrait être reconnu comme écrivain, mais personne ne veut le publier. Alors, va pour les petits boulots dans le monde du spectacle. Une pépite tragi-comique, entre humiliations et lueurs d’espoirs, révélée par l’éditeur mulhousien Médiapop.
  • June 11th – Superb article by Jacques LINDECKER in “L’Alsace” – Max Zajack, Mark SaFranko’s fictional double, would like to be recognized as a writer, but nobody wants to publish him. So, go for the odd job in the entertainment world. A tragic-comic nugget, between humiliations and glimmers of hope, revealed by the mulhousian publisher Médiapop.
  • May 9th 2022 – TOUT SAUF HOLLYWOOD published in France by Mediapop Editions !
  • June 2021 – “NOWHERE NEAR HOLLYWOOD”, the fifth Max Zajack novel, will appear in France in early 2022 from Mediapop Editions (publisher of More details to be shared soon.
  • June 2020 – Coming soon in German from — AMERIGONE.
  • April 2020 – “La scrittura di Safranko è fresca, scorrevole, a tratti ruvidamente lirica, vicina al parlato, un’immediatezza favorita dalla scelta della prima persona, che rende l’opera una sorta di diario di formazione, il rendiconto di un’ossessione d’amore prossima al patologico, il resoconto di un apprendistato della carne. Un uomo, Max, che come il Predicatore dell’Ecclesiaste, applica il suo cuore a investigare, tastare, toccare ogni cosa sotto il cielo, tra sentimento di vanitas, pulsione, eccitazione e godimento.”
  • March 2020
Le choix des libraires – Francoise CHAPON – Annonay, Ardeche
  • January 2020 – Mark SaFranko, ODIANDO OLIVIA. Una storia d’amore…
    Edizioni WhiteFly Press VAGUE Edizioni, 2020
    Prefazione di Dan FANTE
    Traduzione dall’inglese (USA): Gabriella Montanarie Michael Wernli
    Progetto grafico : Andrea Magno
    Per la splendida foto di copertina, ringraziamo l’amica, poetessa e fotografa Maria Grazia Galata per aver donato un volto, italiano, all’eroina del romanzo, Olivia Afrodite Tanga.

Putain D’Olivia, new translation
(Editions La Dragonne), France

More information

Nowhere Near Hollywood
(Honest Publishing), UK

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The Suicide (Editions Inculte, Actes Sud), France

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The creatives itineraries Mark SaFranko

From October 2018 to January 2019, Mark SaFranko, an American writer, painter
and musician from New Jersey, was the first author in residence at
Université de Lorraine in Nancy. During his four-month residence, Mark
took part in numerous academic, public and media events in Nancy and the
Grand Est region. This volume provides insights into some of these events
and displays various aspects of the work carried out during this very active period –
from interviews about his literary creation and its critical reception, to personal
or collective translation projects around his works, and an exhibition of his pictorial
self-portraits. These variegated fragments of creative endeavours will allow
readers of this volume to grasp the warm and open personality of a multitalented artist,
a jack of all trades who offers first-hand testimony and candid reflections
on the practice of his arts.

Édition Première édition

Langues anglais, français

Éditeur Presses universitaires de Nancy – Editions Universitaires de Lorraine

Support Livre broché

Nb de pages 276 p. Bibliographie .

ISBN-10 2814305379

ISBN-13 9782814305373

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